Life, Love, & Laundry
I'd Like to File a Complaint
Posted by Lisa Stevens on
I love my company. I love all the products we make/sell. I honestly think everyone should also love them. But I know realistically, there will be people who will not 1) even want to try them and 2) won't like them if/when they do....I know this...but that does not mean I will not get upset/sad/disappointed when that happens. I went to a networking seminar luncheon a few years ago, during the presentation the expert said that you need to know your audience, your product/business will not be for everyone. I joked that my product IS for everyone, or could be...
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- Tags: Complaints, customers, feedback
Be Kind, Be Safe.
Posted by Lisa Stevens on
2020 is officially over. Hallelujah!!! Now, I know a lot of people are glad to see it go...good bye, see ya later, don't let the door hit you on the way out....and I do feel that as well. But, I am not positive 2021 will be any better. I am (overall) a hopeful person, I have hope that 2021 will bring us all (collectively) a better year...but I am also realistic and am not expecting any miracles. Would I love one? Of course...but I wouldn't even know where to start in trying to decide what miracle to wish for. We...
Sleep It Off
Posted by Lisa Stevens on
I wrote this blog August 9, although it is a little outdated (and I already wrote a different blog post explaining the lack of blogs...hahahaha) I decided to share anyway. I still have nights where I do not sleep well, but thank goodness they are farther apart than they were this summer. I find life is really like a roller coaster, ups and downs, honestly, I never really know what is around the next corner....but we keep riding it, with or without enough sleep. :) Here I lay at 3:44 am. I have no idea why all of a...
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- Tags: awake, Crazy legs, Lack of sleep, restless leg syndrome, Sleep, time
We Did One Thing Right
Posted by Lisa Stevens on
I am going to tell you a story about our youngest daughter. I describe her life, right from the moment of conception until today at 13 years old, as just a whole lot of surprises. Allora was 9 months old when I discovered I was pregnant again. This was a complete shock to us, for several reasons. 1 - Our last two children had taken years to conceive, with active trying....and 2 - we were actively trying to prevent pregnancy....I was breastfeeding, and we were using a barrier method birth control. I was also using NaProTechnology as a way to...
The Missing Blogger
Posted by Lisa Stevens on
I thought I would take this blog to explain why I am spastic with my blog posts. I have had several people compliment my writing style, and say they enjoy reading my blogs. One person even said I am her favourite blogger. ( sweet!). Now having this information, you might think this would make me more likely to try and be consistent and encourage me to write more. Unfortunately, my brain works opposite than "normal" when it comes to things like this. Hearing these compliments actually makes writing blogs more stressful. If I wrote, assuming no one read or enjoyed,...