Life, Love, & Laundry — Weather

More Summer Please

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

More Summer Please

The humidity has finally lifted, for now. And I know a lot of people are glad...but I don't mind it. I enjoy the heat....especially since we got heat pumps (a.k.a air conditioning) a few years back. hahaha So, when we wake up in the morning I have no idea how hot it is out, until I go outside.  I do hope it comes back, it feels more like summer when it is so hot you gotta do whatever you can to keep cool, whether that is hang in a pool in the backyard, or head to the beach or if...

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Just Like the Weather...Bi-polar

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

Just Like the Weather...Bi-polar

Is summer here or is it not here? Who can tell with this day it is 29 degrees and the next it is 11 and then 38 on Friday. hahahaha The weather is bi-polar.... Speaking of which, I have been to a psychiatrist several times over the last few months, and have been given some new diagnoses (if anyone follows along on my journey, I was told I had Major Depressive Disorder so we were treating that... but since it would initially get better but then decline, we figured something else was up....and down...and up again...and down again....) and...

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