Life, Love, & Laundry — bipolar

Riding the Rollercoaster: Loving a Spouse with Bipolar Disorder

Posted by Benjamin Stevens on

Riding the Rollercoaster: Loving a Spouse with Bipolar Disorder

Living with a spouse who has bipolar disorder is like riding a rollercoaster. There are exhilarating highs, terrifying lows, and a whole lot of in-between. It's a journey filled with unique challenges, but also moments of profound love and connection. It’s a life I know intimately, and one I wouldn't trade, though it certainly hasn't been easy. We know the statistics are daunting; approximately 90% of marriages with one spouse being bipolar end in divorce. That knowledge isn't lost on us. Surviving together feels like we're constantly fighting to beat the odds, a battle we’re determined to win. The "ups"...

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Just Like the Weather...Bi-polar

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

Just Like the Weather...Bi-polar

Is summer here or is it not here? Who can tell with this day it is 29 degrees and the next it is 11 and then 38 on Friday. hahahaha The weather is bi-polar.... Speaking of which, I have been to a psychiatrist several times over the last few months, and have been given some new diagnoses (if anyone follows along on my journey, I was told I had Major Depressive Disorder so we were treating that... but since it would initially get better but then decline, we figured something else was up....and down...and up again...and down again....) and...

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