Life, Love, & Laundry — hair
The Hairless Home
Posted by Lisa Stevens on
I have a friend who just got 2 tiny little kittens. She is so proud of those kittens, she loves having them and even loves the chaos they can create at times. To me, that is a good pet owner, to love and be so excited about having the animal that they can hardly contain themselves when they discuss their pets. I know lots of people get complacent with their pets if they are not I am not faulting you. I am just saying how nice it is to listen to her talk about her precious kittens. We...
History of Shampoo
Posted by Ben Stevens on
Some of you may not know, but many years ago I received a B.A. in history. I've always been fascinated with things of the past, which has lead me to some exploring of the history of soap nuts. There are some remarkable facts about soap nuts that may surprise you. First let us begin with the origin of shampoo. The word itself originates from India and only goes back a few hundred years, when the English who were occupying India began using the word. The word itself actually means head massage, which is what we do when we shampoo our...