Life, Love, & Laundry — creativity
Let There Be Words
Posted by Lisa Stevens on
I do not feel I am overly artistic. I never excelled at art class in school, I don't draw or paint or play any instruments (I used to play the flute....way back in Junior High School....but I picked flute because it would fit in my backpack and no one even knew I played....oh silly I enjoy doing crafts but don't find any of them are overly "artistic" in nature. I love to dance, but not in a graceful dancer kind of way...more like a "I like to move it, move it" kinda way...just for fun hahaha. But the one...
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- Tags: art, artistic, creativity, writing
The Blog for You
Posted by Ben Stevens on
It seems that everybody and their dog blogs in one form or another today and statics show right around 70% of bloggers make zero money from blogging. There is a blog that covers almost any topic you can imagine, so whatever your interest there is a blog for you. So why would someone take up this overcrowded space in an attempt to create something people like and read. I was reflecting on the reasons why for us as a busy family, business owners, homeschoolers, and everything else we would invest the time into a weekly blog. The truth is, the...
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- Tags: blog, blogging, creativity, self help