Life, Love, & Laundry — blog
So, This is the F#@!ing Blog You Get!
Posted by Lisa Stevens on

I just wrote a whole blog post about dealing with loss....hit the wrong key and poof I lost it. hahahaha Ironic, yes...frustrating, hell yes. One of the problems with blogging (for the way I blog), is that once the words are out of my head and onto paper or computer...they really are gone. I have sat here for a good 10 minutes trying to remember how I even started said blog....but nothing, notta, nope could not recall any of it. I know what it was about, I know the general over arching idea it had but not the actual words...
The Missing Blogger
Posted by Lisa Stevens on

I thought I would take this blog to explain why I am spastic with my blog posts. I have had several people compliment my writing style, and say they enjoy reading my blogs. One person even said I am her favourite blogger. ( sweet!). Now having this information, you might think this would make me more likely to try and be consistent and encourage me to write more. Unfortunately, my brain works opposite than "normal" when it comes to things like this. Hearing these compliments actually makes writing blogs more stressful. If I wrote, assuming no one read or enjoyed,...
The Blog for You
Posted by Ben Stevens on

It seems that everybody and their dog blogs in one form or another today and statics show right around 70% of bloggers make zero money from blogging. There is a blog that covers almost any topic you can imagine, so whatever your interest there is a blog for you. So why would someone take up this overcrowded space in an attempt to create something people like and read. I was reflecting on the reasons why for us as a busy family, business owners, homeschoolers, and everything else we would invest the time into a weekly blog. The truth is, the...
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- Tags: blog, blogging, creativity, self help