Hasta La Vista Baggie
Posted by Ben Stevens on

We will still use existing bags we have for long term uses such as craft supplies and no perishable storage. The plan is to no longer buy them for our personal daily living and the remainder baggies we have will be used for long term items. We all know the problem with plastics and the risk they present to our planet. I read a report not long ago that said statistically we are getting to a point where the majority of water, including drinking water, contains micro plastics. I don't know about you but that's a pretty terrifying thought.

I will confess that while we will be eliminating them from our personal lives, one area that we still will be utilizing these plastic bags during fiddlehead season. Unfortunately, these tasty little veggies need packaged for transportation, delivery and storage. Hopefully though reducing our personal use and minimizing amount used for business will make a difference. Anyone dare to take on this challenge with us and say Hasta La Vista baggie?