Life, Love, & Laundry — mental health

Silver Linings #3

Posted by Ben Stevens on

Silver Linings #3

Lisa has shared two silver linings of a really, really tough year for us.  The third one is mine to share, just as the last one was hers to share.  I also this year have gone to therapy to help deal with all that has gone on in 2022.  And I have to share my open honest journey to get here without sharing details of what has gone on in 2022.  That's a story for another time when we are both ready to share.When I was younger I had a very warped view when it came to mental health.  I...

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Silver Linings #2

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

Silver Linings #2

Another silver lining from 2022. I began going to therapy. I know people have all kinds of opinions on whether therapy is helpful or not. But I will tell you, for this time in my life, it has been paramount.  I went to therapy two other times in my life, once when I was a teenager and once in my 20's, I won't get into why I went back then, but I will say the difference between those times and this time is that this time I chose to go...I actually made the call myself. My past therapy experiences were...

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The Missing Blogger

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

The Missing Blogger

I thought I would take this blog to explain why I am spastic with my blog posts.  I have had several people compliment my writing style, and say they enjoy reading my blogs. One person even said I am her favourite blogger. ( sweet!). Now having this information, you might think this would make me more likely to try and be consistent and encourage me to write more. Unfortunately, my brain works opposite than "normal" when it comes to things like this.  Hearing these compliments actually makes writing blogs more stressful. If I wrote, assuming no one read or enjoyed,...

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Stings Like A Slap in the Face

Posted by Ben Stevens on

Stings Like A Slap in the Face

Imagine the person you love most in the entire world suddenly bursts into sobbing tears, burying their head in their hands.  The sob becomes more like the sound of a seal or a child with croup until you realize they are not really breathing but grasping for air.  You see their lips and face turning blue and their eyes turn from sadness to terror as they are unable to breath.  Holding them in your arms, a million thoughts race through your mind all at once and you need to choose one of those thoughts that might help.  Their body is...

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Behind the Smile

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

Behind the Smile

This is a very hard post for me. I am a very private person when it comes to things I am dealing with. I hardly ever talk about things that "really" matter. But I believe this issue is too important to not discuss. Too important to me and my family, cause it effects us as a family, any friendships I have, as well as our business. I have a lot of weird, rare disorders and things that affect me. The one I am going to talk about today is PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). I suffer from this....and suffer is true...

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