It's Not Easy Being Green - September 2018
Posted by Ben Stevens on

We are beginning a new monthly blog entry based on our family and business taking the journey one step at a time in going green. Our planet is clearly suffering the effects of global warming and we believe the solution is us the people, not the government or business, but those of us who have the power to change how our government and business operates. The journey we plan on taking is every month we aim to incorporate a new practice into our lives/business that takes us towards being more environmentally focused. We encourage you to not only follow our journey, but to take up these changes yourself or share with us the changes you choose to implement.
You may wonder why the name but in our opinion the idea that going green is a simple task is not accurate. We often tell our kids many of the best things in life require effort and work. While many environmentalists and ecofriendly bloggers try to encourage us that going green is easy, we believe it truthfully is not easy but is well worth the work. The best example of what we mean is clearly seen in our new practice for the month of September.
Before we tell you our new practice we are implementing this month I must confess this is a rather embarrassing confession to make as a business and family trying to be more environmentally aware. Since the implementation of the three garbage bag system here locally we have yet to actually follow through doing it in our own home. The excuse has been not having enough space for three garbage cans, but where there is a will there is a way. So we have been doing the green garbage and then everything else in either blue or clear depending on the week.
We realize though that this system exists for a reason to try and reduce the amount of garbage going into our landfills. So, we are beginning this month by following the three bag recycling system that already exists. This will not be without its challenges, having five kids and trying to get them to practice sorting their garbage as well. We will do our best to let you know how it goes. We encourage you if you have yet to embrace this sorting to join us and if you do already, well done. Join the revolution and be the solution. Share your journey using #revolutionsolution
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