Ever After Story Time
The Baby Who Made You Feel Stupid
Posted by Ben Stevens on

Today Allora turns 16 years old and I have no idea how time moves so quickly. It seems like just yesterday we were off to the hospital where around suppertime we had heard that Lisa's sister had given birth to her daughter Leah. A few hours later Allora was born. We call them twin cousins, since they were born on the same day. My sister came over for a visit during that first year of Allora's life. When she got ready to leave she described baby Allora perfectly saying, "I've never met a baby that simply looking at you...
Oh No at 5 O's
Posted by Ben Stevens on

One of my greatest memories as a kid was our regular trips to the local corner/convenience store. It was called 5 O's on the Old Shediac Road, which amazingly it has returned to that same name. The local kids would go for the penny candies, pop&chips, chocolate bars, and even movie rentals for a period of time. It was also a place adults would stop for the smokes, bag of milk, bread, or their treats. My experience began at home because we always travelled a short route cutting through my backyard and my Aunt's, who lived behind us. We...
Where Is Your Inner Child?
Posted by Ben Stevens on

When I was a kid there was only ever one thing on my mind...play. I lived next-door to my best friend and my two other best friends were within walking distance. We roamed the neighbourhood on bikes, skateboards and on foot but we didn't cause any trouble, other than the time I got kicked out of 5 O's for looking at a porn magazine. That's a story for another time. The point is my life revolved around playing. What do I mean when I say playing? Well, let me break it down. There was Lego, dinky cars, G.I. Joe, Transformers, Gobots,...
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- Tags: Growing Up, Inner Child, Laugh
Christmas Season Surprise
Posted by Ben Stevens on

This is sort of a continuation of my previous blog titled "We Need To Talk About The "F" Word". Where I shared about something medically that happened to me that was quite alarming. As a result of that I was referred to a specialist for further testing and I'm happy to say all the results have been good news and likely just a bursted blood vessel. To get to these results though I had to have a number of tests. The last and final test was two days before Christmas, which was a surprise in itself, as I was told...
You Might Be Allergic To This Blog
Posted by Ben Stevens on

One of my favourite comedic lines ever is Jim Gaffigan talking about lactose intolerance saying "If you are lactose intolerant, don't be ashamed just because your tummy can't handle that spicy milk". It hits home because several in our family can't eat dairy. Well, they can eat it but then it results in a word that sounds similar to dairy with an "ah" at the end. Our family has our fair share of allergies and I have no idea why. It seems allergies are far more prevalent today than they were years ago. Anyone have an allergy to dust mites?...