Ever After Story Time — Parenting

Happy Fight Day...I Mean Family Day

Posted by Ben Stevens on

Happy Fight Day...I Mean Family Day

Today is Family Day and I was thinking about writing about one of our many stories as a family but we try to be real about our lives and I think it is fitting to share a bit of reality.  The reality is social media tends to be that everyone's life seems perfect or an absolute mess.  We try to simply share the truth and let you see the perfect and the mess.  I used to be a pastor and one of the most common things people believed was that they were the only one dealing with a certain issue....

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Why Our Kids Should Be Vampires

Posted by Ben Stevens on

Why Our Kids Should Be Vampires

There have been a lot of posts lately about the dangers of kids and technology.  Biggest danger of kids and technology in my childhood was sticking pointy objects in the plugs.  Having five kids we understand the reality of modern technology, oh too much.  I would love to say we have it all figured out and have no issue with it but that would be a bold faced lie.  And if you have taken the time to read this then I wouldn't want to break our trust as author and reader.  Our kids definitely spend their fair share of time...

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