Ever After Story Time — birthday
The Baby Who Made You Feel Stupid
Posted by Ben Stevens on

Today Allora turns 16 years old and I have no idea how time moves so quickly. It seems like just yesterday we were off to the hospital where around suppertime we had heard that Lisa's sister had given birth to her daughter Leah. A few hours later Allora was born. We call them twin cousins, since they were born on the same day. My sister came over for a visit during that first year of Allora's life. When she got ready to leave she described baby Allora perfectly saying, "I've never met a baby that simply looking at you...
Birthday Bedlam
Posted by Ben Stevens on

It has been a whirlwind Fall for our family to say the least with mixture of good and bad. Here is a quick snapshot of just this past weekend; two kids with colds, we worked around 30 hours for the business, I ran a dog to the vet after eating chicken bones and bleeding, I also had a kid at the hospital after they fainted, our youngest may have picked up pinworms and today is Lisa's birthday. Make sure you take a moment and wish her a happy birthday. Despite all the chaos, which amazingly has not even been the...